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11 rue Hermès
Parc Technologique du Canal
31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne
N° SIRET : 338 034 390 00082 Code APE : 7112 B
SA au capital de 2 433 618 €
RCS Toulouse 338 034 390
TVA FR95 338034390
N° Téléphone : (33) 05 61 39 47 00 – N° Fax : (33) 05 61 75 10 14

Director of publication : Marie-Claire Demmou


Site design: CLS
Realisation : CLS
Registration : CLS
Copyright : CLS, Istockphoto credit


The site is the exclusive property of CLS . By site content refers to the general structure, texts, images animated or not , and sounds that make up the site .

The content is protected by copyright and law databases under French law and by international agreements. Accordance with the Code of Intellectual Property , the user has exclusively : On the right of private , personal and not transferable use of portal content or one of its components, On the right of reproduction to storage for display on a single screen position and reproduction in one copy for backup or printout . Any other use requires the prior written permission of CLS society.

This is any representation and / or reproduction, even partial, of the contents of this site and / or one of its elements , including: for commercial and / or advertising and / or distribution for the purpose of using one of the elements of the site in a networked computer environment .

Are especially forbidden to display a page of this site in a frame does not belong to CLS ( by the technique of “framing” ) and the insertion of an image belonging to the CLS website on a page not belonging CLS ( by the technique of ” in-line linking ” ) repeated and systematic extraction or non protected site causing damage to any CLS elements. Covered include protected by Articles L 341-1 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property elements. Violation of these provisions may result in the application of criminal and civil penalties provided for by law. The content is intended solely for the information of visitors. The hypertext links set up within the framework of this portal site to other resources on the Internet, whatever the origin of these resources can not be held responsible for CLS . The creation of links to The site allows CLS establish a hypertext link to its content, subject to: – Do not use the technique of deep link (” deep linking ” ) , that is to say, the pages of the site should not be embedded within the pages of another site, but accessible by opening a window . – Quote source pointing through a hyperlink directly to the content. The information used must only be for personal, associative or professional purposes; Any use for commercial or advertising purposes .


CLS strives to provide on this website accurate and updated information.
However, CLS does not guarantee in any way the completeness of this information and disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions or in the event of change in the content that is due to the intrusion of a virus of a third party.
CLS reserves the right to modify the contents of this website without notice at any time, including its commercial and supply conditions offer.


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We do not share information with third parties


To serve you better, we measure the number of pages viewed, the number of visits and visitor activity on the site, and how often they return. CLS performs analysis of site traffic from the operating data connection.

Mailing list

The email addresses collected as part of the mailing list is only used for sending the letter newsletters CLS.